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St. Eoghan's Primary School, Moneyneena

Congratulations to our recent P5 & P6 certificate winners πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸŒŸπŸ₯‡

28th May 2022

Well done to our recent Primary 5 & 6 certificate winners. These certificates were awarded for displaying beautiful manners and behaviour at all times, working hard to develop ICT skills in coding tasks, dedication to always working to the very best of your ability, working hard to learn and practise math facts, reading with increasing expression, representing our school impeccably at recent sporting events. Times Tables Rockstars certificates were awarded to pupils who have worked really hard & shown dedication to using this programme to develop fluency in times tables.

And last but not least, millions of congratulations to our two recent winners of the much-coveted Headteacher’s Award! Be very proud of yourself!